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At the beginning of in a sentence

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Sentence count:218+10Posted:2016-07-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: at the beginningbeginbegin withto begin withsomething ofget the better ofplanningat that time
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121. At the beginning of each year a timetable is prepared and each year group follows a clearly defined, predetermined curriculum.
122. At the beginning of the year they began an advertising campaign encouraging people to save rather than spend.
123. At the beginning of 1987 we learned via the Foreign Office that Kiev was being proposed.
124. I had dropped out of grad school at the beginning of the semester.
125. For joint degrees in Arts involving these languages, see the diagram at the beginning of this faculty section.
126. At the beginning of the year, Bill and the class explored some options for whole-class projects.
127. At the beginning of his testimony Friday, Simpson described his earlier life, his rise from projects to athletic stardom.
128. At the beginning of the first year, the fixed rate was 13.25% at a time when the variable rate was 15.25%.
129. The case came on for hearing at the beginning of April 1992.
130. I remember arguments at the beginning of 1991 about the precise number.
131. At the beginning of term the school looked bright and clean with its freshly painted walls and polished floors.
132. There are cross-references to the basic recipes at the beginning of the book where appropriate.
133. Jesse Young explains that... there was a good deal of a panic at the beginning of the battle.
134. At the beginning of the war, patrol and legislative enactments were rigidly enforced.
135. At the beginning of the twentieth century, in other words, the hour of reform had not yet struck.
136. The statement of reasons of a Community legislative measure is contained in a series of paragraphs at the beginning of the measure.
137. Unlike the Prince, she had had no love affairs when their friendship began at the beginning of that year.
138. At the beginning of February, his organisation, formerly a government department, was turned into a nominally independent company.
139. Right at the beginning of hospital antenatal care, the researchers found there was a risk of a breakdown in communication.
140. Trains between Kaiserslautern and Lauterecken are to start using the equipment at the beginning of 1999.
141. The students attend the school for four sessions at the beginning of the summer term, to carry out their assignment.
142. Speaking at the beginning of June the Minister reported that the debt from rent and service charge boycotts totalled R1,500 million.
143. At a ballot at the beginning of each session, 20 names are drawn out of the hat by the Deputy Speaker.
144. I said at the beginning of the book that 50 percent was documented historical fact.
145. Then, at the beginning of the next run we overstock it again, injecting slightly differ-ent species-our second guesses.
146. Mr Walton's view is expressed at the beginning of the novel and at the end.
147. This is particularly helpful to the student at the beginning of her allocation.
148. Press Home Home up arrow to place the cursor at the beginning of the document. 5.
149. This epoch was to pass after Adams's presidency into a period of romantic pluralism at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
150. At the beginning of the century,[] there were more single than married people.
More similar words: at the beginningbeginbegin withto begin withsomething ofget the better ofplanningat that timefor the bestat thatring outongoingbring outat the age ofat the end ofat this stageat the momentat the time ofat the cost ofat the mercy ofat this momentat the same timeat the thought ofat the expense ofdiningcoming inbring inrainingopeningmorning
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